Château de Bayers

Français Anglais Allemand Néerlandais Chien acceptés

Ancient castle stronghold dating from the 12th and 15th century. Transformed into a barn for the farm during the revolution then fully restored, the castle dominates the valley of Nanteuil. Comme and admire the bottom of the tower and the body of the main building, the water pit, the tower for the soldiers, the prison, the ruins of the roman dungeon,the well,the terrace. Come and marvel in the exeptional restauration projet that has allowed the castle find its beauty once again.

Facilities & services

Parking nearby
Tourist brochures
Guided tours
Educational visits
Pets welcome

Type of customer

Home school groups


Village centre

Opening time

From 07/04 to 06/07, daily.

From 07/07 to 07/09, every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Sunday.

From 08/09 to 13/10, daily.

Prices & payment methods

- Full price4 € - 6,50 €