• Sentier de la Macarine - Villejoubert

  • Sentier de la Macarine - Villejoubert
Français Chien acceptés Parking

Discover historic monuments and admire beautiful views. Stroll through the forest, nature and peace of Villejoubert. Head towards Saint-Amant-de-Boixe on the D15, then follow the cemetery along the local road known as "Puits des Prains". Follow the track along the railway to the Pont des Bouchaudières. Then head towards the Chalet de la Boixe (farm). The path through the woods leads you to parts of the old "Chappe" telegraph, named after its inventor. This line, which linked Paris to Bayonne, was built around 1823 (information panel on site). At the chalet de la Boixe, turn right towards the N10. 150 metres before the N10, you will enter the forest on a small track by a hunting hut known as the "Cabane à Ménard". Turn right and drive 150 metres to the Macarine site (ruins/private). These are the ruins of an ancient 12th-century chapel, supposedly on the site of the Hermitage of Saint-Amant. A local association is working to save it. Continue through the forest towards Villejoubert. As you reach farmland, you will see the water tower, "the oldest in the Charente in a rural setting". As you enter the village, look out for some fine old houses, including one known as the "balet", on the corner of Rues des Buernes and Chènebeaux, before returning to your starting point.

Facilities & services

Car park
Pets welcome

Type of customer

Level green – easy


In the country Village centre Forest location

Opening time

All year round.

Prices & payment methods


Documents to download

Itineraries to download