Sentier des trois rivières - Puyréaux

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Situated on the banks of the River Bonnieure, Puyréaux comes from the Latin podium regale, meaning "royal hill". Numerous fountains have sprung up in the commune. Hemp and saffron were grown in the commune as early as the 17th century, when serge-makers* and weavers were established. * serge is a light woollen fabric. Before you set off on your walk, you can see the restored old Petit Mairat railway station near the square, with its yew tree, a clone of which you'll find in the same spot in the neighbouring commune of Saint-Ciers. 1 Drive along the main road to discover the church of Saint-Laurent. This church has a bell dating back to 1487, which is listed as a historic monument. The route then plunges down into the Bonnieure valley along a steep path lined with terraced gardens. 2 Below, the Saint-Laurent wash-house, currently being restored. 3, 4 The walk continues along the Grande Rivière valley, reaching the village of Fliet, skirting the Esnord mill and plunging back down towards Le Châtelard. It was in this village that the ruins of a Gallo-Roman villa were found. Don't forget to visit the poultry producer at the entrance to the village. 5 Behind the village hall, take advantage of the undergrowth for a well-deserved break. 6 The path then runs alongside the old quarries at the highest point, through Pérignac wood, along the old Petit Mairat railway line and back to the village via rue des écoles. The inhabitants of this pleasant and peaceful village are called Podio-Régaliens.

Facilities & services

Car park
Pets welcome

Type of customer

Level green – easy


In the country Waterside Riverside Village centre

Opening time

All year round.

Prices & payment methods