Conférence - Années 20 : Art Déco et Mode des Années Folles


By René Ventola In response to the trauma of the First World War, and reflecting the profound upheavals that followed, the 1920s - the "Roaring Twenties" - saw an unprecedented aesthetic revival in many areas, notably architecture and the decorative arts. Fashion also changed radically, underlining a certain emancipation of women at the time, and this field was brilliantly illustrated by a whole generation of great couturiers: Jeanne Lanvin, Madeleine Vionnet and Coco Chanel among them...

Dates and times

Friday 31 May 2024 at 10.30 am.

Prices & payment methods

- Full price2,10 €


Town location

  • Royan

    Exposition - Au cœur de l'Histoire d'une Cité Balnéaire

  • Royan

    Exposition : Voyage - Gillet, trois générations d’artistes