Festival Respire Jazz - Le jazz grandeur nature


Respire Jazz festival is a must-see event in the heart of the Charente countryside. An atypical and original programme, covering all forms of contemporary jazz, with a mix of new discoveries and big names, not forgetting local artists! The Respire Jazz Festival is a journey into the world of jazz and improvisation. It's a living music that's constantly evolving, and we're here to reflect that. A delicious blend of modernity and tradition, audacity and solid values. In every case, artists whose generosity and ability to share their music with all kinds of audiences is guaranteed! Artistically free, we prefer to go for what we like best. We dare to take risks, with an eclectic and demanding programme and a desire to showcase all forms of contemporary jazz. Getting close to our audiences is one of our priorities. Reservations essential!

Dates and times

From Thursday 27 to Sunday 30 June 2024.

Prices & payment methods

- Adult30 €
- Student15 €
- Associate member25 €
- 2 days pass50 €